Flying through the air of the Belgrade MTS Dvorana were the light, yet powerful dancers of the Samaia European Tour ensemble. They compete through beautifully choreographed movements in the name of medieval tradition and the prestige held by the title of a Kartvelian dancer in modern-day Georgian society. This amalgam of classical ballet, warfare agility, showmanship, as well as a search for love is valued globally for its unique set of required skills. Including outmost athleticism.

Georgian dances
Photo: J.L.

Važno obaveštenje:

Dragi moji,

Sajt trenutno prolazi kroz proces izmena, te neke funkcije privremeno neće biti dostupne, poput neometanog pregleda fotografija i snimaka. Trudiću se da vreme ovakvog rada svedem na minimum i eventualne probleme rešim u najkraćem roku.

Hvala vam na strpljenju.

Svim pripadnicima pravoslavne veroispovesti želim srećan Božić! Provedite najradosniji hrišćanski praznik u zdravlju i veselju, okruženi ljudima koje volite.

Hristos se rodi

Wishing everyone celebrating today a very Merry Christmas.

May it be filled with love and light

After about a week, we’re up and running again.

As you could probably tell, there was no access to the site these past few days, due to changes in the site’s hosting and pertaining issues.

The current layout may be a little rough around the edges, which will be corrected in the following days.

In the meantime, business as usual. At least when it comes to the writing.

Thank you for your patience.

A well deserved break, people!

Source: Tumblr

This weekend, a lot is going to change. And I can’t wait to share it with all of you. Stay tuned. 

Some of you will know of Haka as a traditional Maori phenomenon, that used to be performed before battles, or as part of celebrations and other important events. 

Source: Web.

Iako nas asocira na ragbi mečeve i fenomenalne nastupe Ol Bleksa, ova haka je izvedena daleko od bilo kog sportskog terena. Jedno venčanje u Oklendu, uveličano je svojevrsnim spektakularnim plesom koji su predvodili mladoženjin stariji brat i kum. Simboličnom ujedinjenju dveju porodica, pridružila se i oduševljena nevesta.

Srećan Božić svima koji danas slave, u nadi da ga provodite u miru, okruženi voljenim osobama.

I hope everyone has a very Merry Christmas! 

Hoy se celebra la Navidad en Serbia y varios otros países ortodoxos.
Por lo tanto ¡Feliz Navidad!
