Muzički fudbal

The song Shape of you was done through the names of 238 football players. You will hear the likes of Adebayor, Matić and Ronaldihno as you hum to the viral tune. This  footballing take on Ed Sheeran has so far collected almost 500k hits. 

The question now is: How many players do you recognize?

Tokom vikenda koji je za nama, odigrano je jubilarno, 20. kolo spske Superlige. Ukupno petnaest golova i dva meča s ,,krompirima”. Zimska pauza je na vidiku. Sledi osvrt na najzanimljivije detalje.

Foto: MN Press

Highlights: Blažič takes down Real

Nekadašnji bek Crvene zvezde MTS, briljirao je u večerašnjoj pobedi Baskonije nad Realom. U meču koji je definitivno bio vredan gledanja i neizvestan do same završnice, slovenački reprezentativac ubeležio je 21 poen, od čega dve trojke ključne za pobedu svoje ekipe (87:91) i završetak pobedničkog niza Reala. 

In a tight match between Real and Baskonia, the guests have made it off with a win, thanks to an amazing performance of the Slovenian national and former Red Star Belgrade player, Jaka Blažič. The temperamental guard has scored 21 points, including key 3ptrs in the final seconds of the match that ended with a 87:91. 

Tokom vikenda koji je za nama, odigrano je svih osam utakmica osmog kola Jelen superlige. Tri remija, dva bez golova, te ubedljiva pobeda niškog Radničkog, ligaška su priprema pred 152. Večiti derbi koji će biti odigran na stadionu JNA.

Foto: Radnički Niš, Starsport

Davor Štefanek has won his first Olympic gold medal. The first medal for Serbia in Rio, and the first gold in wrestling in four decades. This is what he had to say to the Serbian National TV after the ceremony, with the transcript in English. 

“The Olympic champion! Twenty years of work have payed off tonight. How are you feeling right now?”

-“I am not even aware of it yet. I can’t believe this happened. Getting into the final was a big deal. I knew I was ready…”

Last night marked the last match of Kobe Bryant’s career. A career so long and prosperous, it is only an example for the generations to follow. The match itself, against the Utah Jazz was overshadowed by the fact it was Mamba’s last. And he went all out, scoring a whopping 60 points. 

The emotions ran wild, as the crowd cheered his name:

  I can’t believe how fast 20 years went by. This is crazy… This is absolutely crazy. I grew up a die hard Laker fan. I knew everything about every player that’s ever played here, so to be drafted and then traded into this organisation and to spend 20 years here… I mean, you can’t write something better than this. (…) All I can do is thank you guys for all of the years of support.

And you know what’s funny, the thing that had me cracking up all night, was the fact I go through 20 years of everybody screaming to pass the ball, and last night they’re like: “Don’t pass it!”. This has been absolutely beautiful. I can’t believe it has come to an end. (…) Thank you, guys, from the bottom of my heart.  To my family, thank you for all your sacrifice. (…) What can I say? Mamba, out.  

Proteklog vikenda, završena je jedna od najdužih zimskih pauza u Evropi. Prolećni deo Jelen superlige, započeo je sa svih osam odigranih utakmica. Ukupno 19 golova i dva remija. Povoljni dani za ekipe koje su igrale na domaćem terenu. Zvezda je i dalje prva, dok je Partizan izgubio na Karaburmi. Čeka se subota i jubilarni 150. Večiti derbi.

Foto: MN Press

U svom trećem uzastopnom finalu, KK Mega Leks, osvojio je Kup Radivoja Koraća. Večeras je pao i Partizan, rezultatom 85:80. Veoma neizvesna i kvalitetna utakmica, bila je poklon ljubiteljima košarke u prepunoj niškoj Hali Čair. Ovo je prvi trofej za tradicionalno šarenu ekipu Mege, koja se sem po opremi neonskih boja, u regionu prepoznaje po jednoj od najkvalitetnijih omladinskih škola. 

Foto: Marko Todorović

Četvrtfinalni susret između Crvene zvezde i Smedereva, završio se očekivano za obe ekipe, pobedom crveno-belih. Ekipa Dejana Radonjića savladala je srčane Smederevce rezultatom 89:44. U nedelji kada čitava sportska javnost polemiše o veoma lošim uslovima pod kojima su prinuđeni da rade i treniraju članovi KK Smederevo, Zvezda se lagano razigrala uz veliki broj otvorenih šuteva.

Foto: ABA liga

Uprkos prvobitnim prognozama, futsal selekcija Srbije, savladala je Portugal i plasirala se u četvrtfinale Evropskog prvenstva. Fenomenalni golovi, od kojih je možda i najlepši na prvenstvu delo portugalskog mađioničara Rikardinja. Igrača koga su ljubitelji sporta u Srbiji, danas svakako zapamtili.

Poentirali su Kocić, Rajčević i u završnim momentima utakmice, Simić. Našoj selekciji sledi meč protiv Ukrajine za ulazak u polufinale, a do tada uživajte u golovima.

Serbia beats Portugal by 3:1 in the last match of the group stage at the Futsal Euro. Team Serbia has reached the QF as first in their group, awaiting Ukraine for the Semis.